Veterans Education & Transition Services

What is the Veterans Education & Transition Services (V.E.T.S.) Center?

The V.E.T.S. Center at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 is a dedicated support hub for military-connected students like you. Our goal is to guide you through your transition to Columbia Basin College, ensuring you have the best possible experience. Working closely with the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs, we provide access to the benefits, care, and services you need. Whether it's personalized assistance, valuable resources, or a supportive community, we are here for you. Visit the V.E.T.S. Center to receive the tailored support you deserve as you pursue your educational journey at Columbia Basin College.

Check out our Facebook Page for more details and access to exciting events!

V.E.T.S. Center Services

  • Personalized academic advising
  • Assistance with education benefits certification
  • Guided support in navigating the college system
  • Tailored workshops for veteran student success
  • Enjoy free popcorn on Wednesdays
  • Daily access to complimentary coffee and snacks
  • Exciting events for military-connected students and families
  • Dedicated study space with computer lab
  • Connections to community resources, employment opportunities, and more

Give Today

Getting Started Steps

  • 1. Apply for VA Benefits

    VA may take up to 30 days to send Certificate of Eligibility (COE) stating approval or denial of benefit.

    Apply for VA Benefits here

  • 2. Apply for Admissions

    Apply for Admission Here

  • 3. Apply for Financial Aid/Scholarships

  • 4. Request Official Military and College Transcript

  • 5. Complete Getting Started Steps

    Access Getting Started Login

  • 6. Visit Advisor then V.E.T.S. Center

    • Register for classes with advisor
    • Consult with V.E.T.S. team members to understand your benefits and their stipulations.
    • Submit documents as needed
      • Veteran or Dependent Tuition Waiver with supporting evidence
      • Intake Form
      • Certificate of Eligibility letter from the VA
      • Quarterly Schedule and Advisement Report
      • Enrollment certification Request
  • 7. Accommodations

  • 8. Pay Tuition

    • Notify the V.E.T.S. Center of intention to use benefit by the Tuition Due Date for each term.
    • Students under VA Chapters 30, 35, and 1606 students must make payment arrangement.

    Sign up for STEPP

    • Students under VA Chapters 33, 31, Dependent Tuition Waiver and DOD TA may have part or all of their tuition covered.
      • Be aware of your benefit and any potential out-of-pocket costs.
  • 9. Verify your monthly Attendance

    • For Chapter 30 and 1606
      • Call 1-877-823-2378 or visit W.A.V.E. (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment)
    • For Chapter 33
      • Use Text Verification or call 1-888-442-4551.
  • 10. Attend classes

    Advise V.E.T.S. center of any schedule changes once they are made

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website

VA Education Benefits

The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs has a number of regulations that must be followed if you are receiving benefits and we are required to monitor your progress to ensure compliance. The following information will help you understand your responsibilities and what is needed to keep your benefits flowing in a timely manner.

We will do everything we can to see that your benefits start when possible and continue without interuption. If you have any questions regarding your benefits or need assistance, please contact the V.E.T.S. Center or the Veterans School Certifying Official.

What Chapter are you?
Other Benefits
  • Veterans Education Benefits (determine eligibility for educational assistance benefits): 1-888-4551
  • VA Regional Office (general information and services): 1-800-827-1000

Using Your Benefits

Here's what you need to know if you're using your GI Bill® while attending 网赌正规真人实体在线平台!

  • You must inform the V.E.T.S. Center of your enrollment by submitting a schedule, advisement report, and Enrollment Certification Request form.
  • If schedule changes were made, you must submit a revised schedule and advisement report to the VETS Center as soon as possible.
  • Failure to submit this information may cause a delay in your benefits.
  • The VA will only pay for courses that are required as part of a VA approved program at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.
  • Courses that do not apply to an approved program cannot be certified.
  • Allow two to four weeks for processing.
  • Allow six to eight weeks for the DVA to process initial enrollment claims and re-enrollments (30 days break in enrollment).
  • Once entitlement is established and the DVA makes an award, payment is authorized monthly based on information reported by 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.

If you are using your education benefits from the DVA, you are requried by law to keep the college VA School Certifying Official informed of periods of enrollment, audits and withdraws, change of degree programs, address change, change in dependents applicable to those eligible for Chapter 34/30 (VA Form 22-686c) and course substitutions.

  • If you are receiving DVA education benefits, you are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress according to published standards established and enforced by 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.
  • This requries maintaing a 2.0 GPA and keeping a pace of progression above 67% (pass 2/3 of classes enrolled in).
  • 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Standards of Progress and Performance have been approved by the appropriate State Approving Agencies (SAA) and accepted by the DVA.
  • Title 38, United States Code, Sections 1674 and 1724 requires that education assistance benefits to veterans and other eligible persons to be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory progress towards completion of his or her training objective.
  • Therefore, the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 V.E.T.S. Office will discontinue certification and will inform the DVA of this action.
  • The law prohibits payment for auditing a course or payment for any course for which a grade assigned is not used in computing requirements for graduation.
  • Includes repeats of grade of "D" or better (unless a higher grade is required), withdraws and courses not applicable to your declared degree objective. This does not apply to repeats of required courses which you have failed.
  • If you are not sure, please visit the Financial Aid webpage before repeating a course.

Below college level English or mathematics courses are authorized only when the need for training has been established by accepted testing methods (ALEKS or Directed Self-Placement test scores). These classes must be taken in person, not online, if using benefits.

  • Chapter 30, 33, 31, 1606, and 32 Participants: The student's entitlement will be charged for pursuit of these types of training.
  • Chapter 35: Effective 08/01/1989 any eligible person under Chapter 35 is entitled to benefits for pursuit of remedial and deficiency courses without a charge to entitlement for the first five months of full time pursuit of a program (or the equivalent in part time educational assistance) consisting of such courses.

VA payment rates are updated periodically. Please visit the Rates Table to see current and past rates.

11 Week Sessions Fall, Winter, Spring:

Training Time                      Total Credit Hours

Full-time                                 12 credits or more

3/4 time                                  9 to 11 credits

1/2 time                                  6-8 credits

Less than 1/2                          Tuition/fees up to benefit maximum

8 Week Session Summer Only:

Training Time                      Total Credit Hours

Full-time                                    8 credits or more

3/4 time                                     6-7 credits

1/2 time                                     4-5 credits




If you have been called to active duty and will not be able to attend 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, please contact the V.E.T.S. Center. They will take the necessary steps to ensure your VA benefits and enrollment issues are handled properly. Please provide the College with a copy of your orders before you leave.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available on the official U.S. government website at GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available on the official U.S. government website.

Department of Defense Tuition Assistance

Service members must speak with their respective Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service for approval prior to enrolling at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台

Military Transcripts

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 recognizes learning acquired in the military by accepting the credit recommendations of the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. In addition, you may earn credits awarded by institutions listed in the ACE National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Program and the Directory of the National Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction, provided that the courses are at college level.

Only those courses actually listed in these directories which have been approved for a specific period of time, and correspond to the actual time you completed the course, will be acceptable as college credit. Other non-collegiate training will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

  • Credits will be evaluated only from official transcripts requested by the student from the American Council on Education's Registry of Credit Recommendations from the organization that provided the training.
  • Military credits will be evaluated only from official military documents.

Please select one of the following entities that provide military transcripts based on your branch of service:

The VA policy indicates that all veteran student transfer credits (including military) must be evaluated within two quarters of program start. After the third quarter, if you don't submit all transcripts, you will be decertified for the use of the VA education benefits.

Veteran Tuition Waiver

Eligible Veterans and National Guard members may receive a 25% reduction in tuition while attending 网赌正规真人实体在线平台. A copy of the eligible veteran's DD-214 (member 4) is required to verify benefit status. Documents can be submitted to the V.E.T.S. Center.

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are a Washington State resident (per RCW 28B.15.013)
  • Are an active or reserve member of military or naval forces, or a National Guard member called to active duty
  • Served in active federal duty under either Title 10 or Title 32 of the U.S. Code
  • Served in a war or conflict fought on foreign soil or in international waters, or served in support of those that were (serving on foreign soil or in international waters)
  • Were discharged and received honorable discharge, or any other discharge if the sole reason is due to gender or sexuality.

  Tuition Waiver

Veteran Spouse and Child Tuition Waiver

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 shall waive all tuition and fees for a child, spouse or domestic partner of an eligible Veteran or National Guard member who:

  • Is a Washington State resident (per RCW 28B.15.013)
  • Became totally disabled (determined by the VA at 100%) as a result of active federal military or naval service
  • Is determined by the federal government to be a prisoner of war (POW) or missing in action (MIA)
  • Lost his/her life as a result of active federal military or naval service
  • If discharged from service, has received an honorable discharge or any other discharge if the sole reason for discharge is due to gender or sexuality

As a dependent of an eligible Veteran, you may be eligible if you:

  • Are a Washington State resident (per RCW 28B.15.013)
  • Have credits remaining from use of this waiver that are within the 250 quarter credit limit, or the equivalent of semester credits
  • Are the child of the eligible veteran that is age 17 to 25
  • Are the spouse of the eligible veteran and have not remarried or registered in a subsequent domestic partnership
  • Are the spouse of the eligible veteran and are within the 10 year time frame

  Spouse/Child Waiver

Other Important Forms

Student Forms

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website

Visit the Department of Veterans Affairs to access and manage your VA benefits and health care.

Get answers to commonly asked questions on the Ask a Question portion of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Search and access all VA related forms using the Search VA Forms feature of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Learn about the GI BIll and how it affects your education on the Education and Training area of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Learn about education programs and compare benefits by school using the GI Bill comparison tool.

To get information on Washington State specific benefits, services and programs, visit the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs.

For support, scholarships and more visit the Student Veterans of America.

For assistance in making informed decisions on school and education programs, visit Tuition Assistance (TA) Decide.

For access to services to help with job training, employment accommodations, resume development and job seeking skills, visit the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) area of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Health care services are available to veterans living in eastern Washington, Oregon and western Idaho at the Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center.

Manage your health care with the My healthevet portal.

The GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA are available at the official U.S. government website.



  • Phone:509-542-4404

  • Fax:509-544-2021

  • Address:2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA 99301H Building

  • Office Hours:Monday to Wednesday: 7 am to 4:30 pmThursday: 9 am to 4:30 pmFriday: 7 am to noon

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